楽曲の利用等についてAbout Usage of Music created by Re:Volte

■ 動画での利用



■ WebサイトでのBGMでの利用


■ torrent等での入手、配布


■ Using in your movie

I allow the usage of my products to make movies for such communities as YouTube, NicoVideo etc. Please do not use my product for commercial purposes. If you want to use my products, please tell me about it by e-mail, twitter or skype.

I have no copyrights for arrangements I’ve made. If you want to use arranged songs, please contact orginal author.

I also allow to use my products for mush-ups, mixes/remixes, or as sources of samples.

■ Using on your website as BGM

I allow it as well. Please download MP3 or rip my CD, and then embed it in your website. (Direct links are not allowed.)

■ If you get my product by bittorrent, share, winmx…

ISO images and ZIP with MP3 of my products found via torrent, share, etc. are UNOFFICIAL files.
Please purchase them in DOUJIN stores, or DOUJIN download shops.


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